Wednesday, December 29, 2010

goddess of the night; of light

i sink and bob, floating ... feeling
small flakes of ice surrounding
my heart
begin to thaw or flake off
and in this thaw i realize
how very frozen i am.

cold and numb
surrounded by beauty, friends, laughter-
all attempting to draw me into full life
a circle of warmth.

more, more more is coming.
always coming.
and when i sit with my self of selves,
deep inside dwells a heart like a lotus
open enough to hold all.

but right now, in a false move for protection,
a hurricane globe of thin ice surrounds the flower.

soon to be thawed
or quickly shattered
back from processing
into feeling
as i float, bob, sink and rise.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


God is everything
and i feel like my heart is being cleared of chaff
so that I can see God in everything
or rather
see God next to me
in me
in you
more clearly
it will never be perfect
and it kind of hurts
it is worth it
for a better infusion of grace
and surrender
and ...