Thursday, January 13, 2011

where is that river?

i need something to calm brewing waters
something more soothing than chamomile
or the fireplace

i need peace.
i lose it; sometimes find it
believe i can stumble into it
or summon it

but really, peace always just...
upon me
immersing me.
and my brewing waters are submerged
into something bigger

maybe my heart isn't opened
maybe i'm looking too hard.
or not hard enough?

pax christi,
i need you.
what am i willing to give up
to allow you in?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

i sometimes get lost in it

how do you prepare to live on the other side for a few months?
on the other side of the world
maybe on the other side of what life is like
on the other side of history

apparently by reading.
all these required readings
centered on apartheid
expose my ignorance
and fill me with a heaviness...
that leaves me wondering if I can/should go to this place
filled with the darkness of humanity

or can I do this fast?
centered on the darkness of humanity
torture and injustice

but in prayer, I realize the fallacy of the darkness
on the other side, I'll experience the goodness of humanity
in fasting for Guantanamo, I'll honor the dignity of humanity

my life experiences are full of life
when I forget that
and get lost in the darkness
I lose.
sight of truth, hope, and the Way..